
时间:2023-09-06 22:09:20人气:10142来源: 中国文化人物

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》(随方毗尼:敦煌佛教律仪文献研究)在荷兰出版
中国文化人物记者 苏晴/报道

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》目录

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》目录

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》目录

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》目录

北京大学湛如教授英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism》目录

       中国文化人物(记者 苏晴)近日,北京大学湛如教授的英文著作《Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism 》(随方毗尼:敦煌佛教律仪文献研究)在荷兰博睿出版社出版。
       Imre Galambos 高奕叡 (剑桥大学教授/浙江大学特聘教授):《敦煌佛教律仪研究》乃湛如教授之大作,对敦煌佛史乃至整个佛教研究贡献良钜。资料之翔实,辨核之精审,功裨学界,非一时一代之所限。上原印度佛教之法度,下推中土敦煌之延承。敦煌壤接汉、胡、梵三境;而作者亦报以跨方域之眼光,鉴察各地文化语言之交竞。印度佛教也、敦煌俗文学也、俗众结社也、政治史也,凡此种种散离之议,而能融贯,陈此一唱,此等功力,尤可称道。译者镂心,博睿付梓,尽在此达雅之辞句,精良之印工。我等英文读者,何其幸哉!(Prof. Zhan Ru’s book, Disciplinary Rituals in Dunhuang Buddhism, is a major contribution to Buddhist studies and, more specifically, the history of Buddhism in Dunhuang. It is based on a careful analysis of first-hand resources and is bound to have a lasting impact on scholarship. It traces the links between Indian Buddhist institutions and their later forms in Dunhuang and China proper. The approach of looking at institutions and phenomena in a transnational manner works especially well for Dunhuang, which stood at the intersection of Chinese, Central Asian and Indic cultures. It is becoming increasingly obvious that one cannot study Dunhuang in isolation but has to consider its interactions with other regions, cultures and languages. Prof. Zhan Ru does a remarkable job in integrating often disconnected topics (e.g. Indian Buddhism, Dunhuang popular literature, lay associations, political history) into a coherent narrative. We are extremely grateful to Brill and the team of expert translators for making this book available for an international readership.
       陈金华 (加拿大皇家学会院士/英属哥伦比亚大学教授):像教之盛,莫逾北朝李唐之世。此后频离法厄,浸衰浸变矣。然去圣久远,图册澌灭,而无徴者。书史罔有孑遗,唯敦煌所出者近古。今法师取其所侧出旁见之文,钩稽采辑,推攷辨证,年月献征,事迹首尾,其间湮灭无闻者,牴牾不合者,虽难获尽覩,庶几窥豹,或皆可循踪求其端绪,得其一斑矣。